Saturday, March 28, 2015


"God is good. He is enough." Running coaches often suggest that their runners find a mantra to chant to themselves in the difficult stretches of a race. Lately, in our life race, there have been more uphill struggling stretches than easy ones. Today, even the mantra seems worn. I am weary. I am not trusting, submitting, leaning into the suffering for the good that it will do for my soul. Instead, I am, like a toddler, shaking my fist, and screaming that I don't want this!! I want my own way. But even in the shouting, I know that my way is not His. My way is not good. My way does not bring joy and blessing and rest. And so, like a worn out child, I will choose to rest in His wisdom and strength. I will submit, yield to the One who is good and is enough even though I cannot see the way. Did I mention that He is enough; He is good?