Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Thank you for today

This morning, we had our first of what promise to be many ultra sounds. Our baby is 18 weeks old, and the doctor wanted to see how he is growing. Unlike my pregnancies with our other children, I find myself waiting for the bad news at each appointment. It is always a relief to hear the nurse or technician say, "There it is," about the heart beat. Today was no exception. When we finally saw the little heart beating on the screen, the tears of thanks ran down my face. So now, I say, "Thank you," to the Giver and Preserver of Life. I also want to learn to give the lives of each of my living children to God in the same way each day. I want to consciously acknowledge that He alone has the right and power to give and take life. "Lord, thank You for giving our littlest one more days on this earth. Help me to love him and all those that You have put into my life to love, in ways that please You and show my understanding of Your power and control."

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