Wednesday, February 22, 2012


We made it through another of the husband's trips. This was a long one. Coupled with my not sleeping and other issues, I am happy to have just survived. I was encouraged to have gotten in over 25 miles and also to have taken the plunge and tried out a step class at the gym (while the kids were in their swimming lesson.) My very first exercise class ever. I must say that for this rhythmically challenged girl it went quite well. The worst part was that my calves were VERY sore the next day which was the day that I needed to run my 15 mile run. I did get it in, but it was slower than I'd hoped. At that point, I was just glad to record the miles.

Thinking lots about training programs and the need to add in some serious strength training. My best year of running ever was my senior year of high school. I was buff (due to a head track coach who required all of us to lift three days a week, not just the throwers and jumpers) and my race results proved the value of having muscle strength. Trying to figure out how to work it all into a workable plan especially with the need that my older body is having for more intense stretching. It all takes lots of time.

Speaking of time. . . It is time to move on with the day.

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