Friday, March 2, 2012

What Jesus Didn't Say

"God just said, 'Let there be light,' and Boom! there it was!" exclaimed, our four-year-old daughter with her eyes nearly bugging out of her head. The concept of the power of the words of God had been the subject of her Sunday School lessons for the last few weeks. It was evident that the ideas presented were fascinating to her. (She talks when she is trying to understand and process ideas. She is like someone else that I know.)

Her comments were just another piece in the many that have been swirling in my head for the last while. It seems that God often uses bits and pieces from several sources to drive a concept home to my heart. Lately, it has been the idea of the power of words. One of the names of Christ is The Word. God created using His words. The prophets were often described as receiving "the word of the LORD."

There are myriad of references to what and how we speak in Scripture. "A soft answer turns away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger," is just one well-known example. I've been reading James, and it includes an extensive discussion of the tongue and how we use it.

During this time of year, we've been preparing for our Easter celebrations and talking about what Easter is. I've noticed again that Jesus showed amazing self-control when questioned by Pilate. He didn't say more than was necessary. He didn't let Pilate off the hook, but He also didn't argue with one who really wouldn't be able to understand. As the season progresses, what a great time to think about the words that Jesus said. I imagine that there are a few things to learn even from what He didn't say.

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