Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Giver of Good Gifts

I am pregnant again. Anyone who has been pregnant knows that there are many emotions and feelings associated with the first weeks of finding out about a new pregnancy. No matter the circumstances there are always feelings of fear, hope, joy, and sorrow. My emotions have been a bit more unsettled this time around. I find myself assuming that we will not carry this baby to term. I think that this is my way of self-protecting. It is easier not to invest than to face the idea of losing another child. But as usual, God doesn't see it that way, and as I am learning, He isn't content for me to rest in the comfortable niche that I have made for myself. He has wonderful lessons for me to learn even in the quiet places of my mind.

In the quiet dark of this morning, lying next to my sleeping husband, God whispered into my heart that this child is also a gift. Just as are the three sleeping down the hall and the three waiting in heaven. Each child that I have carried, if only for a few weeks, is part of my family and my life. Each one has been a gift to me from the One who only gives good gifts, from the One who blesses me each day with the smiles and love of my living children. And from the One who has blessed me to carry three other precious little ones. Whatever time that the LORD God of Heaven and Earth chooses for me to have with this child is a gift, and I do not want to squander this time no matter how long or short by fearing the path ahead.

I trust you, God to do and work the thing that pleases you with my life and the life of this little one. Thank you, too, for this gift.

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